Ask for Discount

What do you have to do to get people to notice the best deal? A hidden camera social experiment to see if people will notice a deal when it's right in front of their face. Or are they just sleepwalking through life?


SMARTY have the best mobile deal for most people, but most people just stick with what they know without investigating the other options, even the ones staring them in the face surrounded with fluorescent arrows and 20ft wavy arm guys.

This fun one-day shoot taking the crazy corner shop visual language of star bursts and fluorescent colours to a ridiculous level.

Role: Creative Director
Agency: Gravity Road

Press: The Drum, Campaign
Director: Marcus Liversedge
DP: Olly Wiggins
AD: James Dyer
TM: Richard Shaw
Cam Op: Keith Gubbins, Jon Kassell
Sound Super: Joe Worthy
Editor: Nick Hristou
Grade: Envy
Sound: Envy
Creatives: Tom Reynolds and Ben Cashmore
Producer: Peter Hall
Account management: Oli Timbs-Harrison and Oliver Aucamp
Agency Editor: Dom Lashley
BTS: Charles Diable